The best ways to incorporate elderberry into your routine

The best ways to incorporate elderberry into your routine

We have previously talked about all the different ways that elderberry can benefit the health of human beings. That goes for both children and adults. Making it even easier? The fact that there are so many different ways to incorporate elderberry into your diet.

The main rule of elderberry consumption is not to eat the berries raw, or any part of the plants they grow on, as they are poisonous in their raw state. Once the elderberries are cooked, though, the toxins are released from the fruit and they become perfectly safe to eat.

Once the elderberries have been detoxified, though, you have plenty of choices for how you consume these immune system-boosting fruits.

Here are some of our favorites.

Elderberry Syrup

A spoonful a day keeps the illnesses away! Our elderberry syrup is the original creation that got RD Naturals started as a business. The syrup is a cocktail of berries, spices, flowers, and honey, resulting in a spoonful of foreign pathogens’ worst nightmare that tastes great in the process. Our suggested serving size is one teaspoon for children, and one tablespoon for adults. If you’re in need of more than that to help keep your immune system strong (or to fight off any illnesses that you may have already caught), you may take up to four servings per day.

Sugar-free Elderberry Drops

Looking for a way to incorporate elderberry into your routine on the go? Then our sugar-free elderberry drops are just what you’re looking for! Our most concentrated and portable form of elderberry comes in a convenient two-ounce glass dropper bottle. Our elderberry drops are specially formulated to be free of sugar, alcohol, and honey- and as an added plus, they’re vegan, so that those with any dietary restrictions can enjoy their sweet flavor just the same. To use, just shake the bottle thoroughly and measure out 1-2 mL for adults, or .5-1 mL for children daily.

Elderberry Gummies

Are you a fan of gummy bears? Well, good news- elderberry comes in gummy bear form, too- or should we say gummy berry form? Our certified vegan, non-GMO, gelatin-free elderberry gummies were made specifically for gummy bear aficionados, and we even took the liberty of shaping them like berries to help distinguish them from the candy. With gummies, our recommended pattern of use is two gummies per day for everyone aged four and up; toddlers between the age of two and three should only take one per day. Children under the age of two should not consume the gummies to the potential choking hazard.

Try some of our Elderberry products!

Would you like to see the benefits of elderberries for yourself? RD Naturals offers a wide range of elderberry products that can help give your body the nutrients it needs! From syrups to drops to gummies and more, you have plenty of choices for how you can consume these nutrition-packed supplements!

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